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The Childhood Glaucoma Research Network (CGRN) is an international network of physicians & scientists dedicated to changing the lives of children


The CGRN is an international organization of ophthalmologists who share a mutual interest in childhood glaucoma. CGRN membership currently includes more than 200 ophthalmologists in North and South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and the Middle East. Most of the world's largest eye research centers are members of CGRN. This collaboration among eye research centers across the world increases the number of children who participate in studies and reduces the research time it takes to reach valuable conclusions.



The mission of the Childhood Glaucoma Research Network is to serve as a catalyst to bring together ophthalmologists and specialists with a mutual interest in childhood glaucoma to use each member's unique expertise and understanding of pediatric eye disease and glaucoma to promote progress in research and improve care of childhood glaucoma.




  • Our experts share ideas and knowledge that promote research and progress leading to improved clinical outcomes for children with glaucoma.



  • We provide childhood glaucoma related resources, tools, and information to clinicians, parents, and caregivers.



  • By promoting cooperation between specialists from around the world, we encourage research and education on pediatric glaucoma so that every child with glaucoma may receive the best care possible.



Childhood glaucoma is an uncommon and chronic disorder that can cause permanent vision loss and blindness if left untreated. However, with an accurate and early diagnosis, along with effective treatment, children with pediatric glaucoma can achieve normal or near normal vision. Until recent years, there has been little collaboration between physicians worldwide to determine the best course of action for the care of pediatric glaucoma. The Childhood Glaucoma Research Network was created to change this.


The CGRN was organized in 2011 to facilitate collaboration between thought leaders from leading eye care centers around the world. The CGRN aims to utilize each member’s unique expertise and understanding of pediatric eye disease and glaucoma to promote progress in research and improve care of childhood glaucoma.


Initial workday in creating the CGRN was led by the voluntary efforts of a number of pediatric glaucoma specialists in the United States and United Kingdom. Dr. Alana Grajewski, glaucoma and pediatric glaucoma specialist from the University of Miami, organized the group and established financial support from the GL Foundation for Children with Glaucoma, the University of Minnesota Ophthalmology and Visual Neurosciences, and the Minnesota Lions Vision Foundation. The Childhood Glaucoma Research Network is now supported and administered by faculty and staff at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute's The Samuel & Ethel Balkan International Pediatric Glaucoma Center and the GL Foundation for Children with Glaucoma.


Prior to the creation of the CGRN, physicians worldwide were using different language to describe what they were experiencing with patients with pediatric glaucoma. Within 12 months, the CGRN successfully proposed the first International Consensus Classification of childhood glaucoma to serve as the foundation for future research. The classification is now recognized worldwide as the classification for childhood glaucoma, reaching consensus agreement at the Ninth World Glaucoma Association Consensus and has been adopted by the American Board of Ophthalmology.


In 2013, members of the CGRN united to contribute to the publication of the World Glaucoma Association's Consensus Series - 9 on Childhood Glaucoma. In 2014, the Childhood Glaucoma Research Network became a member the World Glaucoma Association. In 2018, members once again collaborated for the publication of the Surgical Management of Childhood Glaucoma.


As an uncommon disease, there is a significant research challenge with pediatric glaucoma because individual eye centers across the world do not have enough patients to accomplish critical studies. In 2016, the CGRN was able to complete the first ever worldwide survey of pediatric glaucoma to advance our understanding of all types of glaucoma called the International Study of Childhood  Glaucoma (ISOCG). Following the completion of ISOCG, the CGRN continued on to join The Robison D. Harley, MD CGRN Pediatric Glaucoma Registry. The Registry, hosted by Will Eye Hospital and maintained by Invitae, allows clinicians to collaborate and conduct large-scale investigations.




Allen D. Beck, MD


Emory Eye Center

Atlanta, Georgia, USA


Chair and Director, Emory Eye Center

William and Clara Redmond Professor of Ophthalmology Section of Glaucoma

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Alana L. Grajewski, MD


Bascom Palmer Eye Institute

Miami, Florida, USA


Director of The Samuel & Ethel Balkan International Pediatric Glaucoma Center

Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology


James D. Brandt, MD


UC Davis Health

Sacramento, California, USA


Vice-Chair for International Programs & New Technology, Director of the Glaucoma Service, Professor of Ophthalmology & Vision Science

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Sir Peng T. Khaw, PhD FRCS


Moorfields Eye Hospital

London, United Kingdom


Professor of Glaucoma and Ocular Healing at the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon at Moorfields Eye Hospital

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Sharon F. Freedman, MD


Duke Eye Center

Durham, North Carolina, USA


Glaucoma Specialist


Pediatric Ophthalmologist

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Maria Papadopoulos MB BS, FRACO


Moorfields Eye Hospital

London, United Kingdom


Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Glaucoma and Pediatric Glaucoma Specialist

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Miami, Florida, USA

Bascom Palmer Eye Institute's The Samuel & Ethel Balkan International Pediatric Glaucoma Center

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Sacramento, California, USA

University of California, Davis
UC Davis Health

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